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»Our Programme » Learning with fun Kids find UCMAS program to be engaging and fun while it enhances brain development for lifetime skills.   Enroll your child today!
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UCMAS employs friendly and courteous staff, with lots of experience in teaching. Most of our staff members are parents. We are conveniently located with pleasant amenities suited to children’s comfort and ease:
  • Classes are conducted in our centers once a week
  • We provide a choice of classes to fit your schedule
  • Our classes are taught by qualified course instructors
  • We offer small class environment, with personalized attention by our instructors
  • We make learning fun and interactive to encourage creativity and boost self-confidence
  • We keep you updated with your child’s progress on a regular basis
  • A certificate is awarded to each student at the successful completion of each level
Genius through practice
We truly believe that practice makes us perfect is not just a cliché. We have seen that the best way for a child to learn and to progress in Mental Math is through practice, both in class and at home. We offer a reward program of UCMAS Points to help keep them interested, practicing and progressing!

Educators in Asia cite Abacus and Mental Math usage as key reasons that children in these countries consistently head up the rankings in international math comparisons.

Using UCMAS approach has helped over a Million children worldwide to ‘discover the genius’ within.

More than arithmetic
Many people often assume that learning mental arithmetic is merely a method to improve the speed and accuracy of calculations, for example, adding 10-digit numbers within a few seconds. By itself, it is already an amazing accomplishment for most young children. However, there is more to this because when the children are learning UCMAS Mental Arithmetic, they are actually also undergoing the process developing other aspects of their mind. When a child has acquired an astonishing calculation speed, it is actually only the end result of having developed mental abilities like: concentration, observation, visualization & imagination, and memory.